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Standard Components

Standard Components are a key feature of the AusHFG and provide detailed information on commonly used rooms and spaces across healthcare projects. Each Standard Component is comprised of a Room Data Sheet (RDS) and Room Layout Sheet (RLS).

For further information on how Standard Components should be used, refer to Part B: Health Facility Briefing and Planning.

Information on updates to Standard Components is published on the News & Updates section of the website. Users are also invited to subscribe for alerts to AusHFG updates. 


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Standard Components

Room Code Name
LAUN-PT Laundry - Patient, 6m2 Under review
LAUN-MH Laundry - Mental Health, 6m2 Under review
OFF-WI-5 Office - Write-up, 5m2
ANRM Anteroom Under review
BES Bay - Emergency Shower
DINBEV-25 Dining Room/Beverage Bay (Mental Health), 25m2 Under review
ECL-8 Equipment Clean-up, 8m2
ECL-10 Equipment Clean-up, 10m2
STPP Store - Patient Property Under review
STSS-20 Store - Sterile Stock, 20m2 Under review
WAIT-SEC Waiting - Secure, 6m2 Under review
CHPT-12 Change Room - Patient (Male/Female), 12m2 Updated
ECL-12 Equipment Clean-up / Loan Equipment, 12m2
ECL-14 Equipment Clean-Up, 14m2
ENS-SP Ensuite - Special, 6m2 Under review
ENS-ST-A1 Ensuite - Inboard - Alternative 1, 5m2 Under review
ENS-ST-A3 Ensuite - Inboard - Alternative 3, 5m2 Under review
ENS-ST-A2 Ensuite - Inboard - Alternative 2, 5m2 Under review
ENS-ST-B Ensuite - Outboard, 5m2 Under review
ENS-ACC Ensuite - Accessible, 7m2 Under review
ENS-BA Ensuite - Bariatric, 7m2 Under review
ENS-SH Ensuite - Shared, 6m2 Under review
1BR-BA 1 Bed Room - Bariatric Under review
1BR-IS-N1 1 Bed Room - Isolation, Negative Pressure, Type 1 Under review
1BR-IS-N2 1 Bed Room - Isolation - Negative Pressure, Type 2 Under review
1BR-SP-A1 1 Bed Room - Special, Inboard Ensuite, Type 1 Under review
1BR-SP-A2 1 Bed Room - Special, Inboard Ensuite, Type 2 Under review
1BR-ST-A1 1 Bed Room - Inboard Ensuite, Type 1 Under review
1BR-ST-A2 1 Bed Room - Inboard Ensuite, Type 2 Under review
1BR-ST-A3 1 Bed Room - Inboard Ensuite, Type 3 Under review
1BR-ST-B1 1 Bed Room - Outboard Ensuite, Type 1 Under review
2BR-ST-A1 2 Bed Room - Inboard Ensuite, Type 1 Under review
1BR-ST-B2 1 Bed Room - Outboard Ensuite, Type 2 Under review
1BR-ST-B3 1 Bed Room - Outboard Ensuite, Type 3 Under review
2BR-ST-B 2 Bed Room - Outboard Ensuite Under review
4BR-ST 4 Bed Room - Inboard Ensuite Under review
1BR-ST-D 1 Bed Room - Back to Back Ensuite Under review
2BR-ST-A2 2 Bed Room - Inboard Ensuite, Type 2 Under review
ENS-ST-C Ensuite - Back to Back, 5m2 Under review
1BR-MH-A 1 Bed Room - Mental Health - Inboard Ensuite, 15m2 Under review
1BR-MH-C 1 Bed Room - Mental Health - Back to Back Ensuite, 15m2 Under review
ENS-MH-A Ensuite - Mental Health - Inboard, 5m2 Under review
ENS-MH-B Ensuite - Mental Health - Inboard Access from Corridor, 5m2 Under review
SECL Seclusion Room Under review
ORGN Operating Room - General Under review
INTF-MH Interview Room - Mental Health Under review
ANAE-16 Anaesthetic Preparation Room, 16m² Under review
CLUP-10 Clean-Up Room - Shared, 10m2 Under review
ENPR Procedure Room - Endoscopy Under review
SCRB-4 Scrub Up, 4m2 Under review
STSS-CC Store - Sterile Stock, Central Core Under review
PBAT Patient Bay, Emergency - Ambulance Triage Under review
PBTR-AS Patient Room, Emergency - Acute Treatment Special Under review
PBTR-FT Patient Bay, Emergency - Fast Track Under review
TRIAGE-1 Triage Assessment Room, Emergency - Type 1 Under review
TRIAGE-2 Triage Assessment Room, Emergency - Type 2 Under review
MRICR MRI Control Room Under review
MRIR MRI Room Under review
OPG OPG Room Under review
REPR Reporting Room Under review
REPW Reporting Workstation Under review
ULTR-PR Ultrasound Room - Procedures Under review
CONS-ENT-OP Consult Room - ENT/ Ophthalmology Under review
PBTR-A Patient Bay, Emergency - Acute Treatment Under review
PBTR-NA Patient Bay, Emergency - Non Acute Treatment Under review
PBTR-R Patient Bay, Emergency - Resuscitation Under review
REC-E Reception, Emergency Under review
1BR-IC 1 Bed Room - Intensive Care Under review
PBIC Patient Bay - Intensive Care Under review
CTCR CT Imaging Control Room Under review
CTIR CT Imaging Room Under review
FLUO Fluoroscopy Room Under review
GENXR General X-Ray Room Under review
MAMMO Mammography Room Under review
FLUOC Fluoroscopy Control Room Under review
ULTR Ultrasound Room Under review
CLAB-EP Catheter Laboratory - Electrophysiology Studies
CLAB-I Catheter Laboratory Interventional
CLCR-EP Catheter Laboratory EP Control Room
CLCR-I Catheter Laboratory Interventional Control Room
CLUP-7 Clean-up Room, 7m2
ECHO-TOE Echocardiography - Transoesophageal
STRT Stress Testing
NBIC-HD Neonatal Bay - Intensive Care / High Dependency Care Under review
NBLD Neonatal Bay - Low Dependency Care Under review
CONS Consult Room
CONS-UN Consult Room - Universal Access
INTV Interview Room
PBTR-MD Patient Bay - Medical Day Treatment
PLST Plaster Room
PROC Procedure Room
TRMT Treatment Room
AHDR After Hours Drug Store
BATH Bathroom
BHWS-A Bay - Handwashing, Type A
BHWS-B Bay - Handwashing, Type B
CLN-10 Clean Store, 10m2
CLN-MED-20 Clean Store / Medication Room, 20m2
CLN-MED-S Clean Store / Medication Room, Sub
MED-14 Medication Room, 14m2
DTUR-10 Dirty Utility, 10m2
DTUR-12 Dirty Utility, 12m2
DTUR-14 Dirty Utility, 14m2
DTUR-S Dirty Utility - Sub
SHAC Shower - Accessible
SHPT Shower - Patient
WCAC Toilet - Accessible
WCPT Toilet - Patient
WCPU Toilet - Public
WCST Toilet - Staff
MOR-AU Mortuary - Autopsy Room
MOR-BH Mortuary - Body Holding
MOR-BR Mortuary - Body Reception
MOR-VR Mortuary - Viewing Room
MOR-W Mortuary - Waiting
AUD-CR Audiology Control Room
TRMT-HTS Treatment Room - Hand Therapy / Splinting
PHA-DB Pharmacy - Distribution Workstation
PHA-DS Pharmacy - Dispensing Workstation
PHA-RE Pharmacy - Returns Workstation
GYAH-GP Gymnasium, Group Therapy
GYAH-ID Gymnasium, Individual Treatment
ADLB ADL Bathroom
ADLK ADL Kitchen
ADLL ADL Laundry
AUD-TR Audiology Testing Room
HYDP Hydrotherapy Pool
TRMT-POD Treatment Room - Podiatry
PHA-CO Pharmacy - Counter
PHA-PR Pharmacy - Preparation Room, Non-Aseptic
STAD Store - Accountable Drugs
PBTR-RD-A Patient Bay - Renal Dialysis, Chair Under review
PBTR-RD-B Patient Bay - Renal Dialysis, Bed Under review
PLNT-WT Plant - Water Treatment Under review
DENSR-1 Dental Surgery, Type 1 Under review
DENSR-2 Dental Surgery, Type 2 Under review
CTPR CT Planning Room
LINAC Linear Accelerator Treatment Room
LINAC-CR Linear Accelerator Control Room
BMEQ Bay - Mobile Equipment
BHW Bay - Height/Weight
BRES Bay - Resuscitation Trolley
BWC Bay - Wheelchair Park
CORR Corridor - Patient Treatment Areas
OFF-CLN Office - Clinical Workroom
SSTN-10 Staff Station, 10m2
SSTN-14 Staff Station, 14m2
SSTN-20 Staff Station, 20m2
STEQ-14 Store - Equipment, 14m2
STEQ-20 Store - Equipment, 20m2
STGN Store - General
DEN-MLB Dental Laboratory, Minor Under review
CHST-10 Change - Staff, 10m2
CHST-35 Change - Staff, 35m2
OVBR Overnight Stay - Bedroom
OVES Overnight Stay - Ensuite
BPROP Bay - Property, Staff
SHST Shower - Staff
SRM-15 Staff Room, 15m2
SRM-35 Staff Room, 35m2
UTRM Uptake Room
BMFD-3 Bay - Multifunction Device, 3m2
BMFD-7 Bay - Multifunction Device, 7m2
RECP-20 Reception, 20m2
PET-CT PET-CT Imaging Room
AHBF After Hours Blood Fridge
BBLD Bay - Blood Fridge
BPATH Bay - Pathology Point of Care Testing (POCT)
BPTS Bay - Pneumatic Tube Station
PBSC Patient Bay - Specimen Collection
AIRLE-6 Airlock - Entry, 6m2
AIRLE-12 Airlock - Entry, 12m2
BVM Bay - Vending Machine
BWTR Bay - Water Fountain
PLAY Play Area - Paediatric
PAR Parenting Room
WAIT-10 Waiting, 10m2
WAIT-20 Waiting, 20m2
WAIT-30 Waiting, 30m2
WAIT-S Waiting - Sub
MEET-9 Meeting Room, 9m2
MEET-15 Meeting Room, 15m2
MEET-20 Meeting Room, 20m2
MEET-30 Meeting Room, 30m2
MEET-55 Meeting Room, 55m2
OFF-1P-9 Office - 1 Person, 9m2
OFF-1P-12 Office - 1 Person, 12m2
OFF-2P Office - 2 Person
OFF-WS Office - Workstation
RECP-10 Reception, 10m2
RECP-15 Reception, 15m2
STFS-10 Store - Files, 10m2
STFS-20 Store - Files, 20m2
BIRM-A Birthing Room, Without Pool
BIRM-B Birthing Room, With Pool
ENS-BR Ensuite - Birthing
BMT Bay - Meal Trolley
BLIN Bay - Linen
DISP-10 Disposal Room, 10m2
STBK Store - Bulk
STCL Store - Cleaner
BBEV Bay - Beverage
LNGE-10 Lounge - Patient / Visitor, 10m2
LNGE-20 Lounge - Patient / Visitor, 20m2
DISP-15 Disposal Room, 15m2
DINR Dining - Patient
1BR-CCU 1 Bed Room - CCU
CLRM Cleaner's Room
COMM Communications Room
SECR Security Observation Room
PTRY Pantry
BBW Bay - Blanket / Fluid Warmer Updated
CHPT Change Cubicle - Patient Updated
CHPT-AC Change Cubicle - Patient, Accessible Updated
PT-HOLD-A Patient Bay - Holding, Chair Updated
PT-HOLD-B Patient Bay - Holding, Bed Updated
PT-RS1 Patient Bay - Recovery, Stage 1 Updated

Retired Standard Components

Retired Standard Components