Bay - Mobile Equipment
Date published:
An open bay for storage and recharging frequently used mobile equipment. Equipment may include wheelchairs, mobile scales, commode chairs, patient lifting devices or observation/diagnostic equipment.
Additional Design Considerations:
- The bay should deep enough to ensure that equipment does not impede adjacent corridor circulation; a depth range from 800mm to 1500mm is recommended. Consider the manoeuverability of equipment to be stored as some items may have large turning circles and will need to be parked perpendicular, requiring a deeper bay. Power outlets may be located on the sides of deeper bays to be accessible when equipment is parked.
- If portable imaging equipment is to be stored additional area may be required. Data outlets may be required depending on equipment.
- Equipment may be recharged while stored in this space; provision of appropriately located power outlets is required.
- Items may be hung in this bay, e.g. a patient slide, and appropriate in-wall supports are required for mounting hooks.
Room Data Sheet
Room Layout Sheet

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