Bay - Vending Machine
Date published:
The Bay - Vending Machine provides space and services for vending machines in public and staff areas.
The area may be in a recessed bay along a corridor or in an open area and should be located to ensure adjacent circulation paths are not impeded with intermittent use. Each additional vending machine will require approximately 1.5m2 of additional area as well as associated services.
Additional Considerations:
- Sufficient clearance is required around the machines for manoeuvring in the case of removal for maintenance, repair or replacement. Bulkheads and joinery surrounds may be provided to prevent users from tipping or shaking machines but should be designed to allow for access for repairs and maintenance (e.g. removable).
- Alternative types of vending machines such as for toiletries, phone charging accessories, etc. that may be useful to patients, visitors, and staff, e.g. for unexpected overnight stays, and staff at end of trip areas, may also be considered.
- Hand hygiene facilities, such as alcohol-based hand rub, should be provided nearby in line with local infection control policies.
Room Data Sheet
Room Layout Sheet

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