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The Key Sustainability Guidance documents provide advice on the following three topics:

  • electrification,
  • electric vehicle infrastructure, and
  • climate resilience and adaptation.

The purpose of these new resources is to support project and operations/management teams, for both new and existing health facilities. The guidance highlights key considerations and processes to enable the inclusion of electrification, electric vehicles, and climate adaptation in health infrastructure.

The Electrification Guide provides a consistent approach to addressing electrification challenges in health facilities. The guidance includes a broad overview of electrification in the context of health infrastructure and draws on local and global best practice to provide practical steps and initiatives on embedding electrification within the key stages of the asset lifecycle.

The focus of the Electric Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Guide is on providing practical steps for integrating EV infrastructure throughout the key stages of the asset lifecycle. 

The focus of the Climate Resilience and Adaptation Guide is on the physical climate risks for infrastructure assets that can be addressed during the planning, design, construction and maintenance phases of new and existing assets.

Each guide contains a series of case studies, and is accompanied by factsheets that summarise key drivers, challenges, opportunities, and high-level processes.

The varied applicability for each jurisdiction has been considered, and each guide provides important information for early consideration in planning and investment decisions, through to implementation and operation. The guides support specific jurisdiction requirements and should not be relied upon for covering all relevant issues.

Climate Resilience and Adaptation Guide
Climate Resilience and Adaptation Factsheets
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Guide
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Factsheets
Electrification Guide
Electrification Factsheets