Airlock - Entry, 12m2
The Airlock is a transitional space associated with an entry area to provide wind/weather protection and to support efficient temperature regulation.
Configuration will be dependent on site, internal layout and access requirements. The Airlock may be used by a wide range of people including fully ambulant people, persons using a wide range of walking aids and persons in wheelchairs. The Airlock may need to support the movement of beds/trolleys (e.g. at an ambulance or transit lounge entry) requiring a configuration that provides a relatively straight path of travel. Additional area to accommodate door movement and circulation will be required if entry from multiple directions provided.
Additional Considerations:
- Entry doors may be glazed and automatic depending on access requirements.
- Access control may require the provision of swipe card readers, keypads, intercoms, push to open buttons (e.g. to exit after hours), door release buttons from nearby security or reception, etc. Provision of these items will depend on security requirements and operational policies (e.g. for after hours access). Lockdown and emergency egress requirements must also be considered. A hold open function to the internal door will typically be required for cleaning.
- Depending on layout and alignment of openings when the doors are open, an air curtain may be required to prevent the entry of draughts, insects, odours, etc.
- Wall materials shown are indicative and will be dependent on facade design and internal layout.
- Floor finishes are to be specified/detailed to reduce the risk of trips, slips and falls, (e.g. minimise changes in finished height at transitions). Drainage requirements to floor matting must be considered. Where allocated to an Ambulance entry floor finish is to provide a flat smooth surface suitable for transporting spinal and other patients.
- At public/patient entries, the provision of culturally appropriate artwork (e.g. with film on glazing) may be considered to create a welcoming atmosphere.
- Hand hygiene facilities, such as alcohol-based hand rub, should be provided nearby upon entry in line with local infection control policies.
- A small amount of concise signage may be required within the airlock however it is recommended that extensive wayfinding information is made readily accessible upon entry to keep airlock clear.
Room Data Sheet
Room Layout Sheet

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