Uptake Room
Date published:
The Uptake Room is used to inject patient with a radiopharmaceutical and allow them to rest until 'uptake' has occurred before transfer to the scanning room.
Patients need to be relaxed in a warm, quiet and dimmed environment to promote uptake. Uptake duration is typically 45 to 60 minutes.
Additional Considerations:
- Visual and audio observation of the patient during this time is typically provided from the Control Room of the PET-CT Imaging Room and intercoms, cameras and display screens are to be provided to support patient observation.
- Injections of radiopharmaceuticals can be undertaken within the room or from outside the room via an automated dose delivery system, which will be accommodated outside each uptake room with a suitable lead-lined injection port in the wall that will allow the coil to be connected to both the machine and the patient (details should be confirmed with vendor).
- Radiation shielding is required to the room and is to be in accordance with a radiation shielding consultants advice. This will be based on the type of radiopharmaceutical, the number of patients seen on a daily basis and proximity to other services.
Room Data Sheet
Room Layout Sheet

Retired Standard Components
Retired Standard Components