After Hours Blood Fridge
Date published:
The After Hours Blood Fridge is a discreet area for refrigerated storage of blood and blood products for access by authorised personnel after hours where a 24 hour pathology service is not available.
This room is typically located on the periphery of a Pathology unit and may have direct, secure access to the Pathology laboratory with ready access to the transfusion service area.
Additional Considerations:
- Refrigerator temperature monitoring is required and is to be connected to the building management system (BMS). The alarm is to provide alerts where 24-hour monitoring is undertaken, within the unit and/or remotely. Temperature monitoring is to meet ANZSBT guidelines.
- Additional fridges/freezers or lockable sections within the after hours fridge may be provided to support Pathology laboratory workflows.
- Provision of smart fridges for blood product tracking and other ICT requirements will be based on local policies and service requirements.
- Door width to allow for installation of fridge, including considerations for future proofing as equipment is replaced.
Room Data Sheet
Room Layout Sheet

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