Bay - Resuscitation Trolley
Date published:
A open bay to provide supervised holding of the resuscitation trolley and associated equipment.
The bay should be located close to a Staff Station. Rapid access to the trolley and from this bay to patient areas is essential.
Additional Design Considerations:
- Requirements for specialised resuscitation trolleys should be considered (e.g. specific trolleys are required for paediatric and neonatal departments and non-magnetic trolleys are required for some medical imaging modalities).
- If a department requires more than one type of resuscitation trolley to be accommodated in their bay (e.g. both adult and paediatric trolleys) additional area will be required.
- Additional equipment, such as ECG machines, may be accommodated in this bay in some departments.
- The bay shall be a minimum depth of 800mm to ensure that equipment does not impede adjacent corridor circulation.
- A patient slide may need to be readily available if the resuscitation trolley is required and may be provided within this bay.
Room Data Sheet
Room Layout Sheet

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