Part B: Health Facility Briefing and Planning
Part B covers the briefing and planning issues that result from the translation of health service delivery requirements into a brief for a physical facility. The framework of authority requirements is recognised and includes industry standards, codes and manuals that commonly apply to every project. It is organised as:
Section 80 – General Requirements
This section sets out the parameters required to guide the planning of health care facilities. It covers the service, policy and operational issues to be considered for all projects. It then looks at basic principles for good design that will result in well planned facilities that are fit for purpose and adaptable.
Section 90 – Standard Components
This section describes the purpose and use of standard components. Within the AusHFG, each standard component includes a room data sheet (RDS) and room layout sheet (RLS).
Health Planning Units
All Health Planning Units (HPU) are contained in Part B. These documents are a key feature of the AusHFG and provide detailed information common clinical departments or services in hospitals and other healthcare settings. Examples include a range of inpatient units, a medical imaging department and a community health centre.
Recent Revision Updates
An updated revision of Sections 80 (Revision 5, 1 March 2016) and 90 (Revision 6, 1 March 2016) have been uploaded. These revisions reflects only minor changes that have been necessary to ensure consistency across all documents. This change includes a new simplified numbering system to replace existing clause codes. For information relating to HPU revisions, refer to individual document pages.
Individual Sections
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