CT Planning Room
Date published:
The CT Planning Room provides space and facilities for Computed Tomography (CT) scanning procedures as part of the planning of radiation therapy treatment for patients. A collocated Control Room with observation window is required for the remote operation of equipment.
The CT Planning Room must be adequately shielded. Radiation shielding is to be as advised and confirmed by a Radiation Consultant to suit the equipment procured. 'X-ray in Use' lights are required outside each entry door to be illuminated when scanning begins. Interlock system to doors recommended to prevent machine from running if door open and to stop the machine upon entry if in use.
Additional Considerations:
- Additional medical gases may be provided (including additional oxygen, additional suction, nitrous oxide and scavenge) depending on clinical requirements, such as the provision of anaesthetic services.
- Dimmable lights are to be provided and lights are to be placed to avoid glare to patients.
- Back lit ceiling artwork may be installed for patient comfort and distraction.
- Where possible, it is preferred that ductwork in the ceiling is designed to the perimeter of room to allow for future flexibility to provide ceiling mounted equipment.
- The need for and extent of emergency and UPS power must be reviewed to suit site specific requirements and confirmed based on risk assessment considering the impact of a power outage on patient care/safety.
- Unistrut ceiling able to carry moving loads may be required.
- A mix of respiratory gating, surface guidance, motion management and/or patient position technologies may be provided depending on clinical/service requirements and will be coordinated to support the technologies provided in the Linear Accelerator Treatment Room. The provision of these technologies is to be confirmed by the project and may have additional design requirements including additional power/data, water cooling, heat load, possible increased set down, increased number of trenches/conduits, space requirements for computer cabinets in control room and additional penetrations through the suspended ceiling. Requirements to be confirmed with vendors.
Room Data Sheet
Room Layout Sheet

Retired Standard Components
Retired Standard Components