Pharmacy - Counter
Date published:
The Pharmacy – Counter provides a reception point for the Pharmacy Unit for patients and staff to drop off prescriptions to be filled and collect dispensed prescriptions.
The Counter is to have good visibility of the waiting area and visitors as they approach.
Additional Design Requirements:
- Information on prescribed medications will be provided to patients at the counter and a degree of privacy is required for these discussions. Interview rooms may be located nearby to provide more private information or counselling.
- Cash handling and EFTPOS facilities may be required in this space depending on operational models and the proximity of the Unit to the central hospital cashier.
- Security glazing will be required. The design must support clear communication between pharmacy staff and patients with communication slots. A hearing augmentation system may be considered. Small items will also need to be passed through and forms may need to be signed the design of the glazing needs to support this function.
- The ability to lock down the Unit, e.g. in evenings when the pharmacy is closed, is required.
- This may be achieved by lockable doors from public corridors to the waiting area, however lockable shutters to the counter may be considered.
Room Data Sheet
Room Layout Sheet
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