Pharmacy Unit
Date published:
HPU560 Pharmacy Unit describes the operational, functional and design requirements for hospital pharmacy services.
An updated revision of HPU 560 Pharmacy Unit (Revision 7, April 2021) has been uploaded. The revised version has been informed by an extensive consultation process with clinical, operational and technical experts, including expert advice relating to aseptic production suites.
Key changes to the document include:
- planning and design guidance relating to automated pharmacy distribution systems including key considerations for the provision of pharmacy robots and automated medication dispensing cabinets;
- updated information relating to medication storage areas, including Schedule 8 (S8) and cytotoxic medications;
- updated information relating to aseptic production suites for sterile products, cytotoxic drugs, and/or biological products;
- acknowledgement of the increasing provision of pharmacy outreach services including home medication review, HITH and remote home monitoring and liaison services, requiring access to telehealth facilities;
- updated information regarding safety and security requirements for hospital pharmacies;
- restructure of the SOA to provide recommended areas for pharmacies within a range of hospital sizes linked to the Australian Hospital Peer Groups, acknowledging that area allocations will need to be adjusted to suit the scope of pharmacy services delivered, the level of automation being implemented, the provision of satellite pharmacy services and the required staffing profile;
- revisions to the SOA to align with the recently revised standard components and benchmarking to recently delivered facilities; and
- updates to key policies, standards and other reference documents.
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