Office - Clinical Workroom
Date published:
An Office - Clinical Workroom, typically adjoining or in close proximity to a Staff Station, is for staff to write up notes, review patient records and digital images, hold confidential discussions, store records and conduct handovers.
One computer has been shown as a downtime computer with UPS power; this requirement will need to be confirmed by the department. The downtime computer, if required by a department, may alternatively be provided in a Staff Station. Provision of a downtime computer will need to be rationalised across the unit to avoid duplication.
Additional Design Considerations:
- Location of power and data outlets (above or below the bench) is to meet local operational/ WHS requirements. Cable management solutions to be considered to meet infection control and cleaning requirements.
- A desktop printer may be provided. Printing/scanning/photocopying facilities should be consolidated across the unit to suit service requirements.
- Provision of height adjustable workstations may be considered depending on local policies and staff accessibility requirements.
Room Data Sheet
Room Layout Sheet

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