Date published 21/12/2016
An updated health planning unit, HPU133 Psychiatric Emergency Care (PECC) (Revision 6) has been uploaded and outlines the specific requirements for the planning and design of a short stay unit for people presenting to an Emergency Department with acute mental health illness. This document is a revision of the HPU developed for NSW Health and issued for Australasian use in 2006. Its development has been informed by an extensive consultation process with consumers and clinicians.
Major changes include:
- A major restructure of the document across all sections
- A general review of all information including the development of some key operational policies such as the management of those with mental health conditions
- An update of internal functional zones which is now reflected in the functional relationships diagram and schedule of accommodation
- An updated SoA which includes a change in the provision of overnight bed room configurations
- An updated Functional Relationship Diagram.
A thank you is extended to all those who have contributed to the review of this document.