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Design Guidance: Doors

This new resource provides definitions, information and considerations for doors and associated elements that are used on healthcare infrastructure projects across Australia and New Zealand

The intent of the document is to provide guidance on:

Key Sustainability Guidance

The Key Sustainability Guidance documents provide advice on the following three topics:

  • electrification,
  • electric vehicle infrastructure, and
  • climate resilience and adaptation.

The purpose of these new resources is to support project and operations/management teams, for both new and existing health facilities. The guidance highlights key considerations and processes to enable the inclusion of electrification, electric vehicles, and climate adaptation in health infrastructure.

Pandemic Preparedness - Health Infrastructure Planning & Design Guidance

This new guideline has been developed through consultation with infection control, health infrastructure and engineering specialists, as well as clinical and operational experts, from across Australia and New Zealand.

The aim of the guideline is to ensure that future hospital developments support increased resilience of health systems in response to pandemics, as well as the prevention of transmission associated with acute respiratory infection (ARI) cases and surges outside of pandemics. The scope of the document includes:

Commonly Used Asset Management Definitions

The AHIA Asset Management Sub Group has developed a list of commonly used asset management and maintenance definitions with a view to establishing a common, cross-jurisdictional language. The challenge of applying this in every jurisdiction is acknowledged, particularly where the terminology interacts with jurisdictional financial or technical policies. The proposed definitions are intended to assist in the AHIA context and there is no requirement to adopt these definitions in members’ respective operations.