Allied Health / Therapy Unit
Date published:
HPU140 Allied Health / Therapy Unit describes operational, functional and design requirements for a health service providing a range of inpatient and/or outpatient allied health services.
An updated revision of HPU 140 Allied Health / Therapy Unit (Revision 7, March 2021) has been uploaded. The revised version has been informed by an extensive consultation process with clinical, operational and technical experts.
Key changes to the document include:
- updated information relating to models of care including other departments where allied health services are frequently provided e.g. ambulatory care, community health and emergency departments;
- key design considerations relating to allied health services provided in small rural hospitals;
- inclusion of information relating to allied health disciplines not previously addressed in detail including audiology, podiatry, orthotics/prosthetics and psychology;
- emphasis on the increasing provision of multidisciplinary clinics and requirement for inter-professional collaborative space;
- updated information regarding telehealth services including the increasing provision of group therapy classes via telehealth;
- updated information relating to equipment loan pools;
- restructure of the Schedule of Accommodation (SOA) to provide recommended areas for inpatient and outpatient allied health services rather than by role delineation, acknowledging that a number of areas will be shared between inpatient and outpatient services, particularly for specialised services e.g. podiatry or where utilisation is low;
- updates to align with the recently revised AusHFG allied health standard components including gymnasium areas.
A thank you is extended to all those who have contributed to the review and update of this document.
Health Planning Unit Document
Schedules of Accommodation for this HPU
Schedule of Accommodation
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