Oral Health Unit
Date published:
HPU 280 Oral Health Unit describes the operational, functional and design requirements for the provision of dental services in hospital and community settings.
An updated revision of HPU 280 Oral Health (Revision 7, March 2021) has been uploaded. The revised version has been informed by an extensive consultation process with clinical, operational and technical experts.
Key changes to the document include:
- inclusion of key considerations relating to rural and remote services;
- updated information relating to dental imaging including Core Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and intra-oral scanners;
- updated information relating to dental reprocessing including recommended design requirements of dental clean-up and dental reprocessing areas;
- updated information relating to analgesia and sedation, as well as typical medical gas requirements;
- inclusion of considerations relating to COVID-19 / other pandemics with reference to hand hygeine, PPE, cleaning and treatment room requirements in line with current jurisdictional protocols;
- change of terminology from dental laboratory and dental workroom to major and minor dental laboratories;
- general updates to the Schedule of Accommodation (SOA) to align with contemporary practice;
- inclusion of options for both on site and off site dental reprocessing arrangements in the SOA; and
- updates to align with the recently revised AusHFG oral health standard components.
Health Planning Unit Document
Schedules of Accommodation for this HPU
Schedule of Accommodation
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