Nuclear Medicine / PET Unit
Date published:
HPU 500 Nuclear Medicine / PET Unit describes operational, functional and design requirements for the provision of a centralised facility accommodating a range of nuclear medicine imaging modalities.
An updated revision of HPU 500 Nuclear Medicine / PET Unit (Revision 7, January 2022) has been uploaded. The revised version has been informed by an extensive consultation process with clinical, operational and technical experts.
Key changes to the document include:
- updated information relating to Nuclear Medicine and PET imaging technologies;
- detailed description of the scanning process and typical patient flows through the unit;
- emphasis on the importance of the ‘patient experience' and associated design considerations;
- acknowledgement that therapeutic procedures are a significant growth area for Nuclear Medicine and inclusion of associated planning and design information;
- updated information relating to the production of radiopharmaceuticals including a summary of key drivers for the provision of a radiopharmaceutical laboratory;
- updated information relating to automated PET infusion systems;
- recommendation that the design process should include mapping of ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ patient flows to guide optimal planning and minimise shielding requirements;
- clear delineation of support areas that are relevant to Nuclear Medicine only, i.e. dosed (hot) waiting areas, patient holding and therapeutic procedures. PET areas include the uptake rooms and discharge lounge;
- inclusion of reference to contemporary guidelines regarding COVID-19 / other pandemics; and
- general updates to the Schedule of Accommodation (SOA) to reflect contemporary practice, benchmarking to recently delivered facilities, and the associated revised standard components.
Health Planning Unit Document
Schedules of Accommodation for this HPU
Schedule of Accommodation
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