Intensive Care Unit
Date published:
HPU 360 Intensive Care Unit describes the operational, functional and design requirements for Intensive Care Units (ICUs) including Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs).
An updated revision of HPU360 Intensive Care Unit (Revision 7, July 2019) has been uploaded. The revised version has been informed by an extensive consultation process with clinical and technical experts.
Key changes to the document include:
- general update to the content and flow of information;
- inclusion of additional information relating to Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) and provision of a separate recommended schedule of accommodation for PICUs;
- Inclusion of additional information relating to family / visitor support areas;
- emphasis on the need for effective decentralised charting close to the patient bedside as well as high observation unit configurations;
- restructure of the schedule of accommodation to provide recommended spatial allocations by capacity requirement rather than role delineation (i.e. SOAs are provided for a 14 bed PICU, 14 bed Adult ICU and 56 bed ICU); and
- update of areas to reflect the recently revised AusHFG Intensive Care Unit standard components.
Health Planning Unit Document
Schedules of Accommodation for this HPU
Schedules of Accommodation
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