Emergency Unit
Date published:
HPU300 Emergency Unit describes operational, functional and design requirements to receive, assess, stabilise and manage patients who present with a range of conditions of varying urgency and complexity.
More About this HPU:
An updated health planning unit, HPU 300 Emergency Unit (Revision 7), has been uploaded. The revised version has been informed by an extensive consultation process with clinical and technical experts.
Key changes to the document include:
- general revision of content with a focus on optimising the patient experience, activity flows, staff efficiencies and patient, visitor and staff safety;
- update to information regarding ambulance service requirements, major incident management and chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) emergencies;
- restructure of the schedule of accommodation to provide recommended spatial allocations by capacity requirement rather than role delineation (i.e. SOAs are provided for EDs of 5, 15, 30 and 60 bays);
- update of areas to reflect the recently revised AusHFG ED standard components;
- inclusion of a 30m2 resus trauma bay for designated trauma services; and
- inclusion of updated information relating to safety and security within the ED.
Health Planning Unit Document
Schedules of Accommodation for this HPU
Schedule of Accommodation
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